Saturday, February 3
11:00 am

You are cordially invited to attend the Celebration of a New Ministry for the people of St. Francis in Palos Verdes at the installation of their new Rector, The Rev. Jason Shelby.

The Right Rev. Ed Little, Retired Bishop of Northern Indiana, Presiding

Clergy: Red Stoles

Reception to follow.

Dear St. Francis Family,

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying a healthy New Year! February will mark the first anniversary of The Reverend Jason Shelby’s service as the Rector of St. Francis. I want to invite you all to a special Celebration of a New Ministry service on Saturday, February 3, 2024.

The service will begin at 11:00 a.m., followed by lunch in the Parish Hall. It was discovered during our Rector Search in 2022 that Jason’s+ favorite food is tacos and accordingly, we will be enjoying tacos with Jason+!

As a gift to acknowledge Jason’s+ Ministry at St. Francis, we wish to establish a Discretionary Fund for Jason+. A Discretionary Fund is money that a priest has at their disposal to use as the spirit calls them. Frequently these funds afford a priest the ability to offer aid and support on an informal basis when meeting with those in need. The offertory at the Celebration of a New Ministry will be put toward establishing this Discretionary Fund. If you wish to contribute to the fund but cannot attend the service, please send your gift to St. Francis, attn: Elaine Mistele, and identify the gift to be used for The Reverend Jason Shelby’s Discretionary Fund.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as able at the service on February 3!

Shelly Zak
Senior Warden